Art Market Fundraiser

Saturday, June 1, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm | RCA Atrium | Free entry

Join the RCA's Youth Arts Council for their Art Market Fundraiser. All proceeds will be donated to Upstream Canada.

The RCA Youth Arts council is a group of youth aged 13-18 that are interested and passionate about the arts. Each year, council members decide on a project they would like to embark on for the duration of the school year.

This year, the Youth Arts Council created a project that addressed a shared concern and filled a need in their community. The council discussed shared concerns amongst themselves, conducted a survey of their peers and decided they wanted to focus their efforts on addressing homelessness, addiction, and mental health.

Based on further survey data, the council decided that the best way to help to support communities facing homelessness, addiction, and mental health was to fundraise for an organization that supported these issues. The council researched organizations discovered Upstream Canada

Upstream Canada is a response to this challenge and the staggering reality that 35,000 – 45,000 youth in Canada experience homelessness each year. This initiative is a preventive approach to the problem that works to offer supports to youth ages 12-18 who are identified as at risk of homelessness and school disengagement. As an equity-focused early intervention that works through the collective efforts of schools and community-based organizations, Upstream Canada works to prevent youth homelessness and early school leaving.

- Upstream Canada's 'Preventing Youth Homelessness and School Disengagement Through Early Intervention' Report

The Youth Arts Council would like to take the opportunity of a free, open-door event like this to educate the public on what Upstream does, inform the public of how homelessness, addiction, and mental health can affect school aged youth, and demonstrate how art can be used to address meaningful concerns and create change in their communities.

Learn more about the RCA's Youth Arts Council here.

Follow them on Instagram to stay up to date with their endeavors. @rcayouthartscouncil